Gingival plastic surgery is the name given to gingival reconstructive surgeries, covering exposed roots, increasing thickness in the case of thin gums (where darkening may even appear, due to pins or roots with treated canal).
These are surgeries to improve the red aesthetics, that is, the aesthetics of the gums that have to be in harmony with the white aesthetics, the teeth themselves.
Other names: Gingivoplasty, periodontal surgery and root coverage surgery.
Who is the professional able to perform gingival plastic surgery?
All dental surgeons are able to perform this type of gingival plastic surgery, but the periodontist, who specializes in gums, is the professional dentist who has trained, studied the techniques, and is therefore the most suitable person to successfully perform these surgeries .
What are the indications for gingival plastic surgery?
Gingival plastic surgery is indicated in cases of very large gums (gummy smile), retractions (when the gum moves and exposes the root) - covering gingival, in cases where the gingiva has little thickness, is very thin and ends up with an aesthetically undesirable color or contours.
What are the prerequisites for gingival plastic surgery?
For gingival plastic surgery to be performed and have a good success rate, it is necessary that periodontitis (gum disease) has been cured, that there is no longer the presence of dental biofilm (bacterial plaque), that the patient is very collaborative with regard to oral hygiene, that all is well with this patient's general health.
What are the possible contraindications for gingival plastic surgery?
Smoking, uncontrolled diabetes, uncompensated hypertension (high blood pressure), blood clotting problems, untreated gingival problems, HIV with viral load outside the safe limit, pregnancy can postpone or make unfeasible the gingival plastic procedure.
How is gingival plastic surgery performed?
There are several techniques for gingival plastic surgery, but basically they are surgeries where the gum is gently detached, always preserving the papillae ("triangle" between the teeth), moving it up, down, to the side, depending on the purpose of the surgery, or even taking a bit of tissue from the palate ("roof of the mouth") and grafting the tissue into another place on the gum to create thickness or volume.
The anesthesia used in gingival plastic surgery procedures is local infiltrative, with anesthetic cartridges and tubes suitable for the patient, his particularities, his anamnesis, clinical examination and past history.
What is the average time for gingival surgery?
A simple gingival plastic surgery, such as a clinical crown lengthening (the one that appears outside the gum) can last about 30 minutes; free gingival graft surgery, gingival smile surgery can last up to an hour and a half.
How is the preoperative period for gum plastic surgery?
The preoperative period for gum plastic surgery basically consists of strictly controlling bacterial plaque, not smoking, anti-inflammatories and antibiotics prescribed by the professional.
What is the post-operative period like for gum plastic surgery?
The post-operative period depends a lot on the patient's collaboration, with regard to hygiene, light food, care when brushing to avoid hitting delicate points, correct use of prescribed medications, control of systemic diseases such as diabetes, but in general, it takes 15 to 20 days to heal.
It is very important that the patient cooperates during this healing period, strictly following some essential recommendations, which are:
- Avoid sun exposure, physical efforts and intake of alcoholic beverages in the first three to seven days after the procedure;
- Avoid talking excessively in the first 24 to 48 hours after surgery;
- Do not brush or manipulate the treated area until the removal of sutures, if any, or according to the professional's recommendation;
- Eat lightly, giving preference to warm and/or cold foods, with a pasty/liquid consistency, strained and free of fibers in the first seven days after the procedure;
- Clean the treated area with specific products for this purpose, prescribed by the professional;
- Correctly ingest the postoperative medications prescribed by the professional responsible for the procedure.
Gingival surgery is minimally invasive, so it doesn't usually cause swelling and pain.
What are the possible complications of gum surgery?
Gingival plastic surgeries are delicate surgeries that generally involve few risks. Infection may occur at the site, there may be failure if the patient does not rest adequately, or smokes in the postoperative period, or even if the professional who performed the surgery is not qualified and does not have the skills to perform that type of technique.
How is the before and after gingival surgery?
Whenever gingival plastic surgery is performed, the patient/professional expects a gingiva that is aesthetically more harmonious, prettier, more symmetrical and that, together with the teeth, can compose a beautiful smile.