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Check-up Dental

Thorough clinical evaluation with the aid of modern equipment.

dentista são paulo bairro consolação

What is a preventive dental check-up?

Oral health also needs preventive check-up. With prevention, the patient can get rid of pain, unnecessary tooth extractions and diseases caused by bacteria.

People usually go to the dentist when they have a problem that starts to bother them. Pain is usually the reason for this demand, meaning that the disease is already installed, which makes the problem difficult, which could not have existed if the patient carried out periodic preventive consultations.

The oral health check-up consists of a thorough clinical evaluation with the help of modern equipment that allows a quick and clear image diagnosis. With it we can enlargely see the entire dental arch, which sometimes with the naked eye is not possible to visualize.
After capturing the images, Dr Patrícia and the patient will see the images together and with that the patient can see in a more illustrative way the existing problems such as the presence of bacterial plaque, tartar, gingival inflammation, cracks in the teeth, infiltration of cavities in old restorations, cavities still in the beginning, among others.

The oral health check-up is carried out in a session of approximately 1 hour where a clinical examination is carried out, visualization of images and clarification of doubts, planning of the treatment to be carried out and guidance. At the end of the check up, we deliver to the patient a report on their current state of oral health and the proposed treatment plan, in addition to the images by email.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Dental check-up work?

Just as we do with our heart or with our car, the recommendation is that the oral health check-up be done once a year, through a series of images of the oral cavity, with high-definition intraoral cameras, which allow for a detailed analysis of the mouth: teeth, color, texture, incisive papilla, palatine protrusions, among others.

How can the prevention of dental problems help with aesthetics?

Many times the patient arrives at the clinic and asks for a dental whitening, a ceramic veneer. It is necessary for the client to understand that aesthetics and health go hand in hand and are driving forces for each other. Before whitening or a prosthesis, the health of the gums are analyzed, the presence or absence of cavities, and then the aesthetics. With a healthy mouth, aesthetics come in much more effectively and consciously.

This check-up is carried out annually in all our patients and in new patients upon request and prior appointment.

Oral health check-up is recommended once a year.